Shibu Soren, Union Minister for Coal, has been convicted for murderof his former Private Secretary, Shashinath Jha, twelve years afterShashinath Jha was kidnapped and murdered, becoming the first incumbentUnion Minister to be convicted of criminal charges.
This is thefate of Indian Democracy. Murderers, kidnappers and proven criminalshave come to occupy political positions due to the intellectual paucityof the great Indian public.
Jha was kidnapped from Delhi in May of 1994 and taken to Ranchil. He was killed by six people but his body was never recovered.
Twoyears later, when Jha's mother approached the Delhi High Court, thecase was handed over to the CBI and then the long and complicatedinvestigation started.
What's interesting is that two DNA testswere done in the case but both failed. CBI sources say that they gotthe conviction on the basis of strong circumstantial evidence.
In 1998, Jha's skeleton was exhumed and Jha's photograph matching with the skull also provided further evidence.
Soren's supporters however are ready to fight the CBI. The Jamshedpur MP said they'll approach the higher court.
CBI is seeking death sentence for Guru, as Shibu Soren is called by his acolytes.
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